Monday, April 9, 2007

Tuesday - Hueco Tanks

Went to the 'North Mountain' area of Hueco Tanks on Tuesday. If felt a little surreal, mostly though because I was only wearing one contact lens as in the middle of the night my left eye started hurting alot, I couldn't rinse it out, and finally put in some cream I had from when I got pink eye a year and a half ago.

North is cool in that you can self-guide and the rock is interesting, and mostly easier to get to the climbing area, but it wasn't as nice as the East area, and there was alot for modern graffiti. Yuck. They've done studies and found that within 2 years, any writing gets covered with a mineral deposit and its impossible to remove without damaging the rock. An interesting thing about the protected rock art is that there is a 50 year moving bar for protection. Anything 50 years old is protected and you can't climb near. This means in 50 more years, the modern spray paint will be protected. There wasn't a ton of graffiti and nothing as colorful as you might think, but still annoying.

A nice day but I was tired from climbing the previous day. Problems I worked on included 'No One Here Gets Out Alive' (v2) which was quite cool and 'Lobster Claw' (v5) which I made progress on but didn't get before the folks I was climbing with wanted to move on.

Though I could have stayed a third day or part of one, I decided to start back to Tucson so that I would have time to hang out with Noreen in Tucson and have time to have lunch with Danielle in Phoenix on Th.

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