Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Tuesday - SF

So, I got up this morning to rain which I suppose is an important part of living in San Francisco - in at least respect to the mists that redwood trees need. I drove down the coast, and back up north and hit Big Basin (?) state park. I really like redwoods. The Bristlecone pine trees near Bishop were certainly intersting, but not nearly so pretty or magestic as red wood trees. I made sure to stand inside the 'mother' tree - the largest in that park at ~325 feet.

I'm sitting in the public library in Berkely right now. A little humid but a gorgeous day. I may camp nearby or head on my way to Joshua Tree / San Diego tonight inorder to shorten my trip for tomorrow.


Debbie said...

Sounds like you are having a great time. The Redwoods certinly are spectacular. Enjoy

Unknown said...

Mike - on the Berkeley campus there is a Nobel Laurate (NL) parking lot. It is at the best parking location on campus.